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Urban Gardening

My Favor

For Home And Office

My Favor gives you access to a broad variety of options that may assist you in managing your day-to-day life, such as taking care of the garden at your house or doing any necessary repairs at your place of work. My Favor will be available to help you communicate with your favor friend and make the process as easy as possible.

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Plumber at Work


Looking for help with little task around the house? With MyFavor®  simple 4 types of favor, you can easily search for a FavorPal© willing to help you with a TinyFavor like walking a dog, or pick up a small package



If the ask you need requires a bi more work you can ask for different levels of favors from FavorPals® just like you would in real life! Need a SmallFavor? Ask a FavorPal® for anything like gardening help, water your plants or arranging stuff around the house.



If your favor may take some time or is a bit difficult you can ask a FavorPal® for a BigFavor! this includes anything like handyman work, house cleaning, auto mechanic help, plumbing, IT help and more! 


Huge Favor

Now if you really need a FavorPal® to be there for you with a HugeFavor® for a tough task like moving, construction work, an emergency, or picking up a friend las minute. Anything is possible with MyFavor®!

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